Shabbaton Policy
The Chanichim and their parents take upon themselves and agree to the following rules of behaviour of the Shabbatonim and conditions of registration:
- Physical, verbal, mental, sexual or social abuse of the Shabbaton and / or Shabbaton personnel and / or animals in the vicinity of the Shabbaton is strictly prohibited.
- There is a strict ‘no bullying’ policy on the Shabbaton. This includes verbal and non-verbal forms of bullying.
- Destruction or damage to the nature, environment, buildings or equipment belonging to the Shabbaton or to any of the Chanichim or Madrichim is strictly prohibited.
- The Chanich/a must behave appropriately and listen to the instructions of the Madrichim at all times.
- The Chanich/a and the Chanicha/'s parents undertake to share with the Shabbaton management team any personal, health, behavioural, and / or other situation that may be relevant and / or affect their behaviour during their time on the Shabbaton.
- The use of various types of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, hookahs and / or illegal substances during the Shabbaton is prohibited.
- While on the Shabbaton participants are expected to act in a way that aligns with the ideology of Bnei, this includes keeping Shabbat, keeping kashrut, using appropriate language.
- Boys are expected to wear a kippah (or a head covering) and tzitzit. They are not allowed to wear singlet/tank tops or short shorts.
- Girls are expected to wear skirts to their knees during davening and throughout Shabbat. Outside of these times, loose fitting pants are allowed. Girls are not allowed to wear singlets or sleeveless tops.
- Boys and girls are strictly prohibited from entering each other’s rooms.
Should any of the above rules and / or conditions be broken, at the discretion of the Rosh Shabbaton and / or the Federal Merakez and / or the Shaliach/a, the bond will be withheld and / or the Chanich/a may be banned from attending Federal Camp 2022, as well as future Shabbatonim.