
Refund Policy

A refund will not be provided if a parent decides to withdraw their child from attending camp. A partial or full refund may be provided in extenuating circumstances, at the discretion of the Rosh Machs and/or Shlicha.

Rules of Conduct at Camp

In order to ensure that camp is as educational, successful, organised, inclusive and safe as possible, we ask that parents help support the Rosh Machs, Shlichim and madrichim by reading the following with their children and making sure that they are aware of and understand the Rules of Conduct at Camp.


  1. If a child has a medical condition or special requirements, it must be made known to the Rosh Machs and the medics before camp.
  2. Every child must maintain their hygiene throughout camp. Sanitiser will also be dispensed before and after every meal.
  3. Every child must have a hat and water bottle at camp. We take being sunsmart very seriously.
  4. Chanichim must stay within the boundaries set by their madrichim throughout camp. This includes leaving the campsite or entering any lake/rivers/oceans/swimming pools and/or using the in-built trampolines without explicit permission. Incidents of breaching these boundaries are grounds for sending your child home.
  5. There are to be NO illicit drugs, alcohol or raiding equipment (shaving cream, water balloons, swiss army knives etc…) on camp. If found, it will be confiscated and NOT be returned after camp. Possession of any of these items are grounds for sending your child home.
  6. Bnei Akiva Junior Camp is a strict NUT-FREE and KOSHER camp. Any food brought to camp by your child must be kosher certified, and nut free. Any non-kosher and/or nut-containing foods found on camp will be confiscated.


  1. Bnei Akiva does not accept responsibility for valuable items brought to camp.
  2. If a child is the cause of damages to the campsite or public property, payment will be required from the parents of the child depending on the nature of the damages.

Mobile Phones:

Please note that there is very limited cellular reception on the campsite.

  1. Mobile phones and devices are NOT permitted on Junior Camp to ensure optimal social experience and immersion.
  2. In the case that your child does bring their phone, they will be required to hand it in to be kept in a secure location for the duration of camp.
  3. Chanichim will be able to call home through their madrichim when necessary, however please be aware that phone reception is very poor, and therefore there will not be consistent contact between you and your child.
  4. Any important and urgent information that needs to be relayed between you and your child throughout camp will be done via our Shlicha and the Rosh Machs.

Walkie Talkies:

  1. Walkie Talkies are not permitted on camp for any chanichim.
  2. If a child is found with a walkie talkie, it will be confiscated and held for the duration of the camp.


When packing, please make sure all items adhere to the laws of tzniut (modesty):

Girls: No miniskirts or shorts, tank/singlet tops, no tshirts with cap sleeves and no leggings worn by themselves. A skirt must be worn for tefilla, and on Shabbat.

Boys: no tank/singlet tops and no inappropriate length shorts. Boys are expected to wear a kippah (or a head covering) and tzitzit.


  1. Bnei Akiva has a zero tolerance policy for behaviour that endangers the safety of the individual and/or others, and behaviour that we deem unacceptable and inappropriate – disregard for authority, ignoring campsite and Bnei rules, vulgarity, bullying, etc.
  2. Illicit drugs, alcohol, inappropriate reading material and raiding materials are absolutely banned from camp. Possession of any such items is grounds for expulsion from camp at the parents’ expense.

Please assist us in ensuring you are familiar with this policy and that your child is aware of the rules prior to camp to ensure there is no misunderstanding.

Breach of these rules will result in disciplinary procedures on Summer Camp, which may include exclusion from some activities or being sent home from camp. It will be the responsibility of the parents to arrange pickup should your child be sent home, and the decision of the Rosh Machs and/or Shlicha is final.

Please note that the above rules operate in addition to the terms of the Indemnity Form.

Going Home Policy

In the event that your child is sick and the medic has decided that they can no longer be at camp for their own safety and the safety of others, the decision is final and parents must arrange a pickup. The medic / doctor will be in direct communication with parents.

There are to be no surprise pickups or visits. We have a very strict security protocol and anyone planning on coming up to camp for whatever reason must notify the Rosh Machs and Shlicha.

In the event that your child breaches the Rules of Conduct at Camp and is sent home, it will be the responsibility of the parents to arrange pickup, and the decision of the Rosh Machs and/or Shlicha is final.