What to pack
- Siddur
- Kippah and tefillin (boys)
- PJ’s
- T-shirts
- Skirts/shorts
- Jumper
- Undies and socks!
- Shabbat clothes
- Shabbat shoes
- Clothes to get dirty
- Sneakers
- Shower shoes
- Toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste etc…)
- Bathers & Towel
- Hat
- Water Bottle
- Suncream
- Linen (Sleeping bag, fitted sheet, pillow and pillowcase etc…)
- Bag for dirty washing
- Torch
- Money for shekem (tuck shop)
- Hand sanitiser (will otherwise be provided before and after meal times)
- Mask (optional)
- Personal tissues (optional)
- First day lunch
- When participating in Summer Camp, please consider the laws of tzniut (modesty):
- For girls: no miniskirts, shorts, tank/singlet tops or t-shirts with cap sleeves. A skirt must be worn for every tefillah and on Shabbat.
- For boys: no tank/singlet tops and no inappropriate length shorts. A kippah must be worn at all times.
- Bnei Akiva does not accept responsibility for valuable items brought on camp. Illicit drugs, alcohol, and raiding materials are absolutely banned from camp. Possession of any such items provides grounds for expulsion from camp at the parents’ expense.