Coronavirus Agreement:

I will not send my child to Summer Camp if they have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.

If throughout the day any of the Camp Tzevet, Hanhaga, or the shlichim believe my child is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 and this is subsequently confirmed by our doctor, it is my responsibility to pick them up or arrange for them to be picked up.


  • If a child has a medical condition or special requirements, it must be made known to Shivi and the medic before camp.
  • Every child must maintain their hygiene throughout camp. Sanitiser will also be dispensed before and after every meal.
  • Every child must have a hat, water bottle and warm clothes available to them on camp.
  • Chanichim must stay within the boundaries set by their madrichim throughout camp. Repeated incidents of breaching these boundaries may result in your child being sent home from camp.
  • There are to be NO illicit drugs, alcohol or raiding equipment (shaving cream, water balloons, swiss army knives etc…) on camp. If found, it will be confiscated and NOT be returned after camp. Possession of any of these items are grounds for sending your child home.
  • Bnei Akiva Summer Camp is a strict NUT-FREE, KOSHER camp. Any food brought on camp by your child must be kosher certified, and nut free. Any non-kosher and/or nut-containing foods found on camp will be confiscated.


  • Mobile phones and devices are NOT permitted on camp to ensure optimal social experience and immersion. In the case that your child does bring their phone, they will be required to hand it in to be kept in a secure location for the duration of camp. Any important and urgent information that needs to be relayed between you and your child throughout camp will be done via our Shaliach, Shivi.
  • Bnei Akiva does not accept responsibility for valuable items brought to camp.
  • A child refusing to participate in camp activities for a prolonged period of time or for repeated incidents, is grounds to send your child home.
  • NO children are allowed in the kitchen at any time. If they have special requirements or requests, they must wait outside to be addressed by a member of the kitchen crew or a madrich/a


  • If a child is the cause of damages to the campsite or public property, payment may be required from the parents of the child depending on the nature of the damages.

Other circumstances that are grounds for sending your child home:

  • Behaviour that endangers the safety of the individual and/or others
  • Behaviour that we deem unacceptable and inappropriate – disregard for authority, ignoring campsite and Bnei rules, vulgarity, etc.

However, madrichim cannot and will not use sending a child home as a threat - this consequence will only be used at the discretion of the Merakezet, Shlichim or Rosh Machane.