Registration terms

  1. To sign up for Bnei Akiva camp the child must be in Years 3-9 in 2025 and accept the "Rules of Conduct at Camp" as specified below. 
  2. Please ensure that you send your child to camp when they are in good health.  If a Chanich/a is unwell prior to camp or unable to attend, please contact the Rosh Machane to discuss.
  3. If throughout Camp any of the Camp Tzevet or Hanhaga believe my child is displaying symptoms of COVID-19, and my child subsequently tests positive, it is my responsibility to pick them up or arrange for them to be picked up from Camp. 
  4. If my child/ren has been in direct contact with any family member who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the week prior to camp, regardless if the child signed up for camp tests negative, I must inform the Rosh Machane.
  5. I will disclose any medical conditions my child/ren has in the separate Bnei Akiva Medical Form to ensure the Camp Medic can effectively monitor, treat and care for my child/ren on Camp. 
  6. My child/ren understands that they will treat all COVID-19, and general health and hygiene, rules that are put in place by Bnei Akiva with complete respect. 
  7. Please ensure that you have completed all the necessary registration forms and payments prior to camp.
  8. We require that parents share with the Rosh Machane and/or Camp Medic any relevant personal, health or behavioural circumstances that may affect the Chanich/a’s behaviour and/or welfare at camp. These disclosures will of course remain highly confidential. 


Rules of Conduct at Camp

In order to ensure that camp is as educational, successful, organised, inclusive and safe as possible, we ask that parents help support the Roshei Machane, Shlichim and Madrichim by reading the following with their children and making sure that they are aware of and understand the Rules of Conduct at Camp:

  1. All Chanichim are expected to treat all members of the camp with respect, inclusion and dignity at all times. All forms of physical, mental and sexual abuse are strictly prohibited.
  2. There is a strict ‘no bullying’ policy on camp. This includes verbal and non-verbal forms of bullying.
  3. Respect for property
  • Any Chanich/a who wilfully causes destruction or damage to any site we visit, or property belonging to the Mizrachi, Bnei Akiva or to any of the Chanichim or Madrichim, shall pay for the repair and / or be responsible for the compensation to the location for the damage caused. 
  • The repair of or compensation for property that is damaged due to reckless behaviour or while breaking any rule of camp will be paid for by the Chanich/a responsible.
  1. The Chanich/a shall adhere to the instructions of the camp staff at all times. This includes the Camp Tzevet, Hanhaga, Madrichim, Shlichim, kitchen staff and any other campsite staff. 
  2. The use / possession of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, hookahs, pornography and / or illegal activities is strictly prohibited on camp. 
  3. Mobile Phones
  • Chanichim are not allowed to have phones of any kind on camp. If a phone is seen at any time, it will be confiscated and returned to parents at the end of camp.
  • Parents should not allow their children to come to Camp with a phone.
  • Chanichim will not be allowed to use Madrichim’s phones for any purpose. Calls to parents may be made on the phones of the Camp Tzevet, at these people’s discretion.
  1. Walkie Talkies
    • Walkie talkies are banned on camp for all chanichim. If a walkie talkie is found with a chanich on camp, it will be confiscated and returned to parents at the end of camp.
  2. Clothing and Tzniut
  • Girls are required to wear skirts for tefilla and on Shabbat. Skirts are encouraged to wear skirts at all other times. Singlets or sleeveless tops are not allowed.
  • Boys are required to wear a kippah (or some sort of head covering), tzitzit at appropriate times and are not allowed to wear singlet/tank tops or short shorts.
  • Boys and girls will be sleeping separately and therefore no boys are allowed in girls’ rooms and no girls are allowed in boys’ rooms. This is something we take extremely seriously on camp and will not tolerate.
  • Swimming costumes: For sun safety and tzniut, we require all boys and girls to wear a T-shirt or swim shirt and board shorts on top of their swimming costume. Swimming skirts for girls are optional.
  1. Water and Sports Activities
  • On Summer Camp we have the privilege of doing water activities. All Chanichim must treat the safety rules and instructions given by all Madrichim, Shlichim and Campsite Staff with complete respect.
  • Chanichim are strictly prohibited from entering any lakes / rivers / oceans without explicit permission from the Roshei Machane or Shlichim. 
  1. Sun Safety
  • As well as sun-safe swimwear, we require all Chanichim to bring their own hats and water bottles to camp. Please ensure your child/ren’s items are labelled.
  • We will be checking that every Chanich/a has a hat and water bottle before they get on the bus to Camp. 
  • Madrichim will be making sure Chanichim have brought a hat and water bottle to every tochnit, and have applied sunscreen when outdoors.
  1. Food
  • Bnei Akiva is strictly NUT FREE. Please do not bring any food containing nuts to camp.
  • Chanichim are more than welcome to bring snacks to camp. However, please encourage your kids to partake of the meals provided by our hard-working kitchen staff. Note that there will be a Tuck Shop where chanichim will be able to purchase snacks on camp.
  • Please ensure that all snacks brought to camp are Certified Kosher to avoid confusion.

Breach of these rules will be subject to disciplinary procedures on camp, which may include exclusion from some activities or exclusion from the camp. 

Please note that the above rules operate in addition to the terms of the Indemnity Form.


Refund Policy

As a general rule, we do not offer refunds, but will do so in extenuating circumstances. Refunds will be at the discretion of the Gizbar (Treasurer), Danya. She can be contacted at